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Who knew? Drink water to keep diabetes at bay

Posted by Barka Manjha Thursday, March 22, 2012 0 comments

Did you know that March 22nd is World Day for Water? Water has earned its pride of place as the panacea for most ills and the importance of staying hydrated, especially during dry, sweltering Indian summers is something we all know.

But did you know that water can also help keep diabetes at bay? This recent research states that the amount of water intake has a direct effect on how sugar regulation happens in the blood.

In almost a decade-long study conducted on about 3000 people, those who drank more water everyday were found to have lower blood sugar levels than those who didn't. The mechanism of sugar regulation lies with a hormone called vasopressin, which rises when the body is dehydrated and makes the liver produce more blood sugar.

More research is needed to ascertain the effect of water on blood sugar levels, but initial evidence suggests that adequate water intake can actually help stave off diabetes.

For more, read: 'Drinking water may lower the risk of diabetes'.

Who knew? Hope for cancer

Posted by Barka Manjha 0 comments

In recent developments, the Indian Patent Office has granted a license to Natco Pharma to make and sell cancer drugs in India. The production and sale of this drug was previously a monopoly of German drugmaker Bayer. Natco's license to produce this drug means that medical treatment hitherto unaffordable for most patients will now be available at a fraction of the cost.

New hope for cancer treatment?

How eating healthily can improve your mood and behaviour

Posted by Barka Manjha Wednesday, March 21, 2012 0 comments

Most of us are unfamiliar with the connection between health and nutrition and our mood, but what you eat can influence your brain chemistry and subsequently affect your mood. Eating healthily can drastically improve the way you feel; for example, when we are deficient in essential nutrients our nerves perform differently and we may experience mood swings and behaviour changes.

To avoid these it is important to eat well — add this to one of's exercise plans designed specifically to help you feel better about yourself, and it won't be long before people really notice a change in your mood.

Mood changes can be a result of poor food choices, overeating or following particular diets. Choosing the right nutrients can affect your daily performance, improve your mood, sharpened your mind and enhance your memory. We shouldn’t forget the power of food and how our nutrition can affect our mental and emotional health.

The foods we eat influence our brain messengers or neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin). These brain messengers communicate between nerve cells and control mood, appetite, thoughts and behaviours. They generate feelings of happiness, mental alertness and calmness. As these neurotransmitters are derived from the food we eat, positive dietary modifications can regulate their levels naturally and improve your body’s response to stress — whereas an imbalance can lead to anxiety or depression.

Your brain and your mood

Serotonin is the brain messenger that is responsible for calming, relaxing and general wellbeing. An imbalance can result in some behavioural problems ranging from mild hyperactivity to violence, and low levels of serotonin can cause intense food cravings.

Serotonin is released in the brain as a result of eating simple carbohydrates and starchy foods, for example: chocolate, pastries, chips, potatoes, bread and rice. If we load up with poor quality carbohydrate, we may experience fatigue, mood swings and reduced physical activity. Therefore, if the levels of serotonin are normalised, we do not feel the need to overeat sugary and refined carbohydrate foods.

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is related to feelings of motivation and mental alertness. Dopamine is the reason why we unconsciously reach for coffee. When the body is subjected to caffeine it instantly releases dopamine; making you feel mentally alert, which is why caffeine is widely used as a mood elevator. But be warned — too much caffeine increases the level of dopamine too much and can produce symptoms such as anxiety or restlessness.

Noradrenalin is the neurotransmitter that acts as a mood elevator, increasing energy and improving performance. The substance phenylalanine has a direct affect on noradrenalin. Known as a behaviour modifying drug, phenylalanine is found in coffee, soft drinks, confectionary, pastries, and chocolate. Usually, we choose to drink or eat these foods when we are feeling anxious or tired — it gives a temporary boost and helps us to concentrate. However, ingesting large quantities of phenylalanine will increase levels of noradrenalin and can result in high blood pressure, aggression and sometimes even violence.

Healthy eating and your brain

Fatty acids regulate memory and mood. The brain is made of 60 per cent fatty acids. The omega-3 types (DHA and EPA) are essential to the optimum performance of the brain. Omegas are found in oily fish, for example: mackerel, tuna, herring, salmon and sardines, as well as other foods such as avocado, olives, raw nuts and seeds, and their cold pressed oils. All these foods contain good mood stimulants and it has been discovered that levels of depression can been improved by introducing these healthy fats to your diet. Omega-3 types are excellent intelligence and memory boosters — in Japan parents have been giving their children DHA supplements to improve their grades.

Proteins provide the building blocks for most of the body’s cells, nerves and organs. Proteins manufacture neurotransmitters and are important to improve mental performance. Eating proteins with complex carbohydrates will change the brain transmitters and will provide a high level of concentration, calmness and sense of wellbeing.

Unrefined foods such as: wholegrains, free-range meats and eggs, dark fish, beans, seeds and nuts keep brain chemistry normal, whereas modern processing methods have altered many other foods. Processed or refined foods contain man-made trans fats and excessive amounts of saturated vegetable oils. These fats are a destructive source of Omega-6 and should be avoided.

Carbohydrates are the brain’s primary source of energy. Simple carbohydrates are instantly absorbed and need little digestion. They provide a quick burst of energy initially and then you feel tired. Eating too much simple carbohydrate causes an overproduction of serotonin and can drag you down.

To feel more alert and more motivated, have proteins with small amounts of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates (high in fibre and nutrients).

For stress-relief eat more whole-grain bread, pasta, rice, avocado, olives, cereals, quail, partridge, pheasant, fruits, legumes and vegetables. These foods keep mood and energy at a constant level, reducing the chances of dramatic mood swings.

Minerals are essential for the growth and functioning of the brain. Selenium (high in seafood and seaweed) can improve our mood significantly. Other sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, tuna, sunflower seeds and wholegrain cereals.

Water — the body deteriorates rapidly without water and dehydration is a common cause of tiredness, poor concentration and reduced alertness. So ensure you get your recommended eight glasses a day!

You are what you eat is not just an expression!

The University of Carolina has conducted research that shows eating poorly for an extended period of time affects the brain transmitters. Rats that were put on highly refined diets became lethargic, indifferent and withdrawn.

Other studies have shown that children who eat breakfast with protein before school, had higher scores on a given test in the morning than the children who arrive at school on an empty stomach.

Research also shows that men with consistently low levels of serotonin are more likely to engage in violent or anti-social behaviour.

Positive responses from individuals who have made changes to their diet confirm the importance of nutrition in improving their emotional and mental wellbeing. After considering the healthy benefits of certain foods, you can provide all nutrients the body needs to help you focus more productively on your life, maintain your ideal weight, enhance your mood and reduce your chances of getting chronic disease.

Yoga, when practised diligently and regularly, is a great way to get the lean and mean look, we all know. Yoga helps in not only cutting the flab, regularising your body's mechanisms, improving your metabolism and helping you achieve long-lasting results where your fitness and well-being are concerned, it has no equal when it comes to the toning of your body to help you achieve a flexible, limber body with a never-ending supply of stamina.

But can Yoga help in battling the dreaded arm flab, also referred to indelicately as batwings? Turns out, yes, it can.

Here's a video on the upper body workout as performed by Yoga experts for enviably toned shoulders and arms. A word of caution, though - before you begin any exercise routine, please take your personal trainer or a fitness expert's advice on what is best for your body.

Yoga for upper arms

7 shocking health statistics

Posted by Barka Manjha 0 comments

One in 10 parents think cola counts as fruit

According to a survey of family eating habits by food company Green Giant, one in 10 parents in Britain believe that drinking cola counts towards their five recommended portions of fruit and veg. Not only that, one in 10 of those surveyed also believed that chips contributed to the 5-a-day health campaign, while one in five thought that fruit-flavoured sweets counted towards this target. Surprisingly, one in 20 of those questioned, did not however believe that oranges or bananas counted towards their portions of fruit and veg.

7 shocking health statistics

One in six women would rather be blind than fat

While many of us would pay good money for the perfect body, research by Arizona State University found that a lot of women would give up a great deal more if it meant being slim – including their eyesight. According to this survey, a surprising one in six women would rather be blind than be obese. Furthermore, many women stated they would prefer alcoholism or catching herpes to being overweight, while one in four would prefer to suffer from depression.

48 per cent of women want cosmetic surgery

Research findings published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery suggest that body satisfaction and confidence for women are at an all time low. According to this survey, a huge 48 per cent of women surveyed would be interested in having cosmetic surgery, while a further 23 per cent would possibly be interested. Although men’s interest in surgery was significantly lower, 23 per cent of men still claimed to be interested in surgery, while 17 per cent would potentially be.

One third of all cancers are preventable

Cancer is the biggest premature killer, accounting for 40% of premature deaths. However, while experts are unclear about the causes of some forms of cancer, the World Health Organization has revealed that one third of all cancers can actually be prevented by careful lifestyle choices. Some of the main preventable causes of cancer include smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, alcohol, infection and environmental pollution.

Smokers lose one third of their everyday memory

While there are many shocking statistics related to smoking (such as that approximately every 6 seconds, someone dies due to tobacco) perhaps a less well known one is that, on top of many of the well publicised health effects of smoking, it can also cause smokers to lose one third of their everyday memory. According to the study by Northumbria University, smokers performed significantly worse in memory tests than those who did not smoke; however, they found that kicking the habit restored their ability to recollect information.

Only six per cent of Americans exercise for 30 minutes a day

The general recommendation for good health and fitness for adults is to get a minimum of 30 minutes daily exercise. However, according to a Cooking Light Insight survey, only six per cent of Americans meet this recommendation. Though a further 22 per cent claim to exercise three to four times per week, this still leaves a high percentage of people who are failing to exercise regularly and therefore increasing their risk of obesity and heart disease.

You could unknowingly eat 46 teaspoons of sugar a day

You may not think that your diet is too high in sugar, but even if you steer clear of desserts and chocolate, you could still be eating well over the recommended maximum sugar intake. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, food companies have been increasing the sugar content of processed foods to make them more appetising, meaning that many are unaware of how much they are eating. The study showed that some people are unknowingly eating up to 46 teaspoons a day, increasing their risk of health conditions including heart disease. Read more on

Yoga in the jungle

Posted by Barka Manjha Monday, February 20, 2012 0 comments

With Sayoni Sinha

The porch overlooking the garden is a great place to unwind. PHOTO: VISHWAS KULKARNIAmboli is not so much the poorer cousin of Matheran as much as the orphan of Maharashtra's tourism board. Monsoon revelers flock here to enjoy the waterfalls, but outside of this appeal this tiny hill station evokes little recall; the proximity to Goa further adds to its neglected angst. Why would you fly down to Dabolim and not soak in the azure of Palolem beach instead? Yet the two-hour drive down from Goa airport to Amboli is a balmy exercise in learning that the Goans still admire their football with a Latin, crusade-like zeal between innocuous coastal towns. Then Goa becomes Maharashtra; the bikini belt succumbs to a more demure equation with the coast.

One hundred and eighty species of butterflies inhabit the forests surrounding Amboli. Your rickshaw driver might sometimes spin a yarn on how tigers are spotted at night on the spiral that leads to Amboli, but butterflies and birds are more likely to bump into you.

A bird bath by a fresh water stream abutting Yoga RepublicWhen Zicky Sinha turned 45 in 1998, he threw up a top job with Tata Tea to pursue his dream. A well-maintained garden and a cottage-like home, both which overlook a horseshoe of reserve forest of stunted deciduous lush, comprises Yoga Republic. Torrential rain and the parky chill that winter brings restricts the growing season for plants to barely two-three months. Deforestation can be an irreparable disaster in an ecologically fragile zone such as this, which explains why Sindhudurg, the district in which Amboli is nestled, is so often the hotbed of ecological activism to stave off dubious mining contracts and the other perquisites of India Shining.

An earthen bed is said to improve your capacity to meditateTaking her cue from her husband's passion, Varsha Sinha too enrolled at the Bihar School of Yoga and became a trained professional in the science; her adopted sanyasin name is Dharma Priya. "Anu Agarwal, the model-actress, was my roommate, before she was thrown out. She returned after her accident, but I don't want to get into it. Even then I would tell her that Osho is more her scene than yoga. I was at Osho between 1979 to 1984," says Dharma Priya, 50. With a mane of grey tresses cascading down her lean face and cheekbones that glisten against large, shamanistic eyes, she has a stridently spiritual charisma. It also helps that she has had some experience with student theatre in Delhi during the early '70s.

Their daughter, Katyayani, a graduate in hotel management from the Taj catering college in Aurangabad, completes the yogic triangle. Her specialty is fusion and ayurveda cuisine, custom-made for patrons based on their specific health requirements. The ridge gourd pie is a staple classic from her kitchen. Called 'dodka' locally, ridge gourd is beneficial for your blood pressure, weight loss and is high in fibre. You don't miss the meat; you don't miss the booze, though Varsha Sinha clarifies that "we don't enforce any rules. Guests are welcome to have a good time with a tipple by night if they so please because, at the end of the day, Yoga Republic is also a holiday destination."

Meditation and yoga programmes too are custom-tailored to meet a client's requirements: "Dharma Priya handles the software, I handle the hardware (he is also a certified doctor who served with the Indian army for a while), and Kate takes care of the epicurean element," says Zicky. According to him, it takes at least three days for a person to adjust to the vibes of Yoga Republic, even if Yoga Republic does not discourage fly-by-night ascetics to pass by this haven.

The rooms are basic but clean, functional; no room in the house does not overlook a swathe of green. It is perched next to a fresh water stream that runs from May until February; Amboli enjoys the highest rainfall in Maharashtra. A copper water boiler, heated by lighting twigs that have fallen naturally, make for a silky bath. "Copper dissolves naturally with mineral-rich water and this lends the hot water its special tingly texture. Despite the perennial nip in the air, bathing here can be fun!" says Dharma Priya.

A room, with all meals and three one-hour yoga sessions per day, comes at Rs 4,000 per day. Jungle yoga, where more hardcore devotees can practice yoga "where it is meant to be practiced" costs around Rs 7,000. Yoga Republic entertains a clientele from mainly France, Belgium and Sweden, with a sprinkling of Brits, Australians, and practically whoever stumbles upon this recess. "We don't discriminate between Indian and non-Indian clientele with our prices. We are very clear that this is a rare experience, both for Indians and foreigners," says Zicky Sinha, who also runs a free clinic for villagers in the afternoon.

"Jungle yoga is crucial because humans have a psychic connection to nature, and vice-versa. The jungle is where yoga happened, where it achieved its finer nuances. There is an intrinsic energy that is released if yoga is performed in the jungle. There are times when we perform near a cliff and the energy of meditation and of the mantras is so intense that a wind whips up. With appropriate chanting this rousing of nature is controlled, but I have had experiences where I almost felt that the tents are going to fly off into impromptu parachutes! This is rare though. For the most part, jungle yoga camps are safe, hugely rewarding experiences that are essential to exploring the power of this craft," says Dharma Priya.

Dharma Priya in her sanyasin outfit strikes a poseIt is recommended that you call seven days in advance to set up a camp (for jungle yoga) in the adjacent forest. Here, Katyayani, the in-house chef, will make a perishable oven from the earth around the site so that grilled vegetables and pizzas can add to the ascetic enchantment.

Closer home, at the main yoga centre, the cleverly developed garden and landscaping is jungle enough. For instance, the appearance of a Hanuman langur amidst shuddering branches of foliage after a meditation session is enough to alarm you. "This langur is after the sparrow eggs. That's what he's here for. You should never have fed him!" Zicky lambasts Dharma Priya at this flash sighting.

"He doesn't eat sparrow eggs, okay! Stop spreading ridiculous rumours. He just likes this place," insists Dharma Priya.

The drama eventually resolves itself as the langur recedes into the underworld of the neighbouring forest.

Dawn is an aviary of imagined flautists, but residents are encouraged to sleep until as long as they deem fit. The instructors start their day at a quarter past four. "It takes three days to get into the rhythm of the place. We encourage residents to sleep through their natural sleep cycles for at least three days. From the fourth day onward it is all right if they wish to join us at dawn," says Zicky.


Doing exercise for up to an hour a day can improve memory and learning in children and the elderly, say scientists.

The researchers found that walking or cycling regularly for between six months to a year can improve memory and problem solving skills in the elderly by between 15 and 20 per cent.

They have shown that such exercise can also increase the size of crucial parts of the brain.

The scientists have also discovered that children who are fit also tend to be better at multitasking and performing difficult mental tasks than unfit friends, the Telegraph reported.

Professor Art Kramer, director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois, who led the research, said their findings could have major implications for improving children's performance at school.


He said it could also be used to help the elderly combat memory loss in old age.

"It is a sad fact of ageing that our brain function decreases as we get older. Increasingly people are also living more sedentary lifestyles. While we know that exercise can have positive effects on cardiovascular disease and diabetes, we have found it can bring about improvements in cognition, brain function and brain structure," Kramer said.

"It is aerobic exercise that is important so by starting off doing just 15 minutes a day and working up to 45 minutes to an hour of continuous working we can see some real improvements in cognition after six months to a year.

"We have been able to do a lot of neuroimaging work alongside our studies in the elderly and show that brain networks and structures also change with exercise.

"Children also seem to benefit and we have found that aerobically fit children exhibit superior cognitive control to lower fit children," Kramer stated.

Work published earlier this year by his team showed that the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory, of elderly people who exercised regularly for more than six months increased by two per cent, effectively reversing brain ageing by one to two years.

In the latest research, he also found that fitter children are better at crossing the street when distracted by music or holding a conversation on a hands-free mobile phone compared to those who were less fit.

He found that while the fit children could cross a road in a virtual reality simulation with ease when distracted, the less fit children tended walk at the same speed as the fitter children but misjudged the speed and distance of the computer generated vehicles.

"The low fitness kids were just as good at crossing the street when it was the only thing they were doing. If they were listening to music or talking on the headset, they performed badly. They often ended up with the screen going red to show they had been hit," Professor Kramer said.

"One way to look at it is that the high fit kids think more efficiently and so are better at multitasking," the researcher added.

The finding was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Vancouver, and is due to be published later this year. (ANI)

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Sleeping issues continue to daunt most of us from time-to-time.

Our demanding schedules ensure that our sleep is disturbed either in terms of quality or duration-wise. A sporadic incidence of bad sleep isn't that big an issue. However, if you feel that lack of sleep or poor quality-of-sleep is hampering your performance at work or your health, you need to read about the following better sleeping habits:

1. Develop Your Personal Sleep Routine

You don’t need to follow sleep timing-related advice that surrounds us in the form of tabloids and blogs. Just develop a pattern that is suitable to your lifestyle. It doesn’t make sense to follow a routine that inconveniences you and makes you “work” towards getting proper sleep. However, you need to follow some sort of routine. This means knowing when you should switch-off the lights and when you need to wake-up. This is best done by noticing at what time you tend to get a bit heavy-eyed at night. Keep your going-to-bed time around this period. Follow this with a wake-up timing that allows you an extra few minutes to laze in the bed. Ensure a wake-up time with the flexibility of 15 to 20 minutes. Even if you get less than the recommended eight or nine hours of sleep, it won’t matter much if your quality of sleep is good.

2. Eat Lighter & Early Dinner

Ensure that you have had your major meal or supper at least three to four hours before the sleep time. Eating too close to bedtime tends to keep away the sleep. Since the body is actively involved in metabolizing the food that you have consumed, its metabolic rate is up. This means that chances of falling asleep decrease. You might wonder that often after having a heavy meal you get a bit drowsy. However, that is more of a nap that is induced by the body trying to maximize its resources towards digesting the food and slowing down other systems. However, to get a longer and refreshing nighttime sleep, you should eat lighter and a bit early.

Slideshow: 10 Foods for Fabulous Abs

3. Exercising Helps

This might sound a bit strange to you but exercise and the quality of your sleep are interrelated. You need to understand that sleeping patterns are essentially a part of your internal body clock. This includes the body’s ability to rest and return to active performance. However, due to issues like stress, anxiety and poor dietary habits, this inherent body clock is compromised. In order to sustain the optimal performance of our bodily rhythm, you need to exercise regularly. This doesn’t mean pumping iron in the gym is compulsory. Any sort of activity where you can dedicate about 40 minutes, combining some stretching, running and jogging is sufficient.

4. Choose Evening/Night Foods with Precaution

Once the evening sets-in, try to reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Even nicotine is known to disrupt the action of biochemicals in our body that induce sleep. There are some foods that help you in falling asleep with ease. For instance, milk and complex carbohydrates found in foods like brown rice contain a higher amount of Tryptophan. This compound is known to assist the sleeping cycle. Avoid foods that are high in sugar before bedtime. These tend to induce the sugar-rush that can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Blog: Who knew? Eat more to gain less!

5. Keep Away From Nighttime Distractions

Your pre-sleep routine can include reading a book or watching a bit of TV but ensure that you don’t indulge in something so fascinating that it doesn’t let you switch-off your mind. Shun-out any kind of distracting light coming through the windows by drawing the curtains. Try to avoid watching typical genres on TV that can arouse your senses. This means keeping away from action-packed and thriller movies/serials. Switch-off the cell phone, laptops/tablets or any other gadget that might buzz you. (Health,

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Yoga for Better Sex

Posted by Barka Manjha Saturday, February 18, 2012 0 comments

Great sex is a terrific mind-body experience- as is yoga. Yoga not only relieves stress-one of the drive dampeners-but also improves flexibility, increases blood flow, strengthens your lower abdomen and fills you with energy that help steam things up in the bedroom. Try these yoga poses for better sex.

Poorna Halasana: Lie on your back with your feet together, palms resting on the floor. Inhale and then while exhaling raise both your legs up. With the help of your palms, raise your hips up and bring your toes above your head, without bending your knees. Now interlock your fingers with each other, stretch your arms together and hold the position. Breathe normally while in this position, keeping the neck and face muscles relaxed. Come back to the original position in reverse order. How it helps: This asana is known to sublimate sexual energies by strengthening the pelvic area. It alleviates menstruation discomfort, and claims to remedy certain sexual disorders.

Padmasana: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. Place your palms onto the sides of your body. Now, hold the sole of your right foot and place it on your left thigh; repeat with the left foot. Know this: Yoga helps tackle sexual disorders and improves chances of conception your back straight, place your palms on your knees in gyan mudra. Close your eyes slowly and breathe normally. Hold for some time and return to original position. How it helps: This asana stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen and bladder.

Dhanurasana: Lie down in prone position (face down), bend your knees. Now, hold your ankles with both hands and inhale while raising your legs and upper body. Hold for some time, breathe normally and return to prone position. How it helps: Effective in strengthening your back. Regular practise may improve chances of conception.

Bhujangasana: Lie in prone position with legs together. Now fold your hands and place your palms on the floor aligned with each shoulder. Inhale, raise your chin, turn your head backwards and raise your upper body up to the navel. Hold for a while, exhale and come down to the original position. How it helps: This asana firms the chest, tackles spinal problems.

Sarvangasana: Lie down in the supineposition (face upwards) and slowly inhale. Raise both the legs together at a 90 degree angle to the floor and then exhale. Use your palms to support your back and take your legs upwards till they align with your chest and abdomen as your chin is placed against the jugular notch. Lower your buttocks, release your hands slowly and bring your legs down without raising your head. How it helps: This asana is believed to cure premature ejaculation and loss of desire.


7 ways to make sex more exciting

Posted by Barka Manjha Sunday, February 12, 2012 0 comments

Your guide to better sex

Enticing, thrilling and hot; would you use these words to describe your sex life? If not, then it’s time to take a look at our guide. You’ll soon be enjoying some sumptuous, pillow-biting sex:

Go back to school

Awkward teenagers, bells and bad food doesn’t sound romantic but reverting back

Have a curryto a pupil may put the kick back into your sex life. Whether you’ve been with your partner a few weeks, or a few years, there are always new things to learn about what the other wants from sex. Take it in turns to play the role of teacher and pupil. The teacher needs to take control, show the pupil what they want and how to do it. The pupil needs to listen, comply and also remember these frisky moves for later. Make sure you both get a go in each role and on different days.

If you want hot sex then take your date for a curry. A UK study has shown that you don’t even have to eat a curry to raise your heart rate, just thinking of your favourite spicy dish is enough to increase both your heart and your blood pressure to a level similar to one reached during sexual arousal. Spicy food was also found to release endorphins, which provided extra pleasure. After your curry, why not have a chili eating competition. A chemical found in spicy peppers, capsaicin, stimulates nerve endings, which means your sex will feel amazingly good.

Love Yourself

Sex is a hugely intimate act and requires a lot of trust. Considering this, it’s not surprising that many people feel uncomfortable about sex. If you don’t feel confident, don’t worry, there are a few things you can try. You could play a new sport. Sport players have healthier relationships with their body because they value its function, not its aesthetic value. You could also invest in some sexy lingerie that covers areas you feel uncomfortable with. And remember, psychologists have found that people who are considered beautiful are just as likely to be unhappy as anyone else.

Never been touched?

Sex can become a routine; another thing to tick off your list. You do the same moves, the same tired tricks and it all gets a little bit dull. If this sounds familiar, stop. There are lots of new things and new places you can touch. The thighs and knees may not be the most obvious place to begin, but they often get overlooked and yet they are very sensitive spots. Another neglected part of their body is the fingertips. Take their hand and rub their palms, then pull on their fingers. Touching each other in new ways is simple, exciting and fun.

Play a game

If foreplay has become a timed race to see who can turn off the lights, pull off their clothes and reach the safety of the covers first then it is definitely time you learnt how to slow down. Take a pack of cards and play a game you both know well. The loser must remove one item of clothing. Once you have both stripped off, continue the game, but this time the winner can choose an act they’d like the loser to perform on them. Keep a timer close by, so the game progresses. Playing this game will not only allow you to enjoy each other it will also build sexual tension.

Go alfresco

Doing bad things we shouldn’t do is a turn on. Everyone enjoys it, but only the daredevils seem to give it a go. A fun and safe way that would allow you to take your loving outdoors is to find a compromise. You could have sex in the secrecy of your garden, or your balcony if it is s

ecluded. Make sure both of you are comfortable and take necessary accessories, such as a blanket or pillow. Having sex outdoors will give you huge adrenalin surges, which not only make you feel great, you’ll also perform better than normal. Be safe though; if you get caught expect trouble.

Reinvent yourself

You’re a brother, you’re a sister, you’re a wife, husband, dad or mum. When you get under the covers though, it’s important to forget who you are during the day. Adopting another persona in bed helps you de-stress and become sexy. There are lots of tools or accessories you can use to help you make the transition. You could wear a costume, a wig or even some exotic make-up. Play with different looks until you feel comfortable. Dressing up will give you a confidence boost, make your sex fresher and enable you to try new things with ease.


Top 10 sex facts from history

Posted by Barka Manjha 0 comments

Have you got a receipt for your wife, sir?

In 953 Princess Olga of Russia introduced a law whereby men could ask to, essentially, return their wives if they found out they were not virgins. The husbands could ask for monetary or material compensation if they discovered that their wives were more experienced than they had hoped.

Read more on Yahoo! Lifestyle

Sex is the best medicine

If you were feeling sick in the 19th century then it was quite possible that your doctor may have prescribed you a dose of alone time with a sex toy, ladies. The Museum of Sex explains that vibrator-induced orgasms helped doctors identify “hysteria” and its symptoms.

Love and marriage

In the 12th century a book was written called The Art of Courtly Love. Within it there were 31 rules that told the British upper-class how to love and who they could love. It told the rich that “True love can have no place between husband and wife” and that marriage should be thought of as a business arrangement.

Size mattered

If you thought that men’s issue with the size of their manhood was a 21st century thing then think again guys and girls. In the Middle Ages it was highly fashionable for British men to wear a codpiece. A codpiece was a flap or pouch that men wore over their trousers to exaggerate the size of their crotch.

Playing away from home

We all know the WWII poster that urged men and women to “Keep calm and carry on” but have you heard about the other, naughtier slogan that was printed in government brochures? The slogan went: "Don't forget – Put it on before you put it in." It was no surprise that many men returned from WWII with sexually transmitted diseases.

Top 10 sex facts from history


Burlesque may seem like a modern day phenomena, but the truth is Burlesque, in one form or another, has been around for centuries. The queen of burlesque, Dita Von Tease, points to Aristophanes as being the “founder” of the striptease. Aristophanes wrote a cheeky, titillating play back in the 5th century BC.

The G Spot

The G spot was unidentified until 1950 when Dr. Ernest Gräfenberg underwent a few experiments and found that attention to this area could trigger powerful O moments in women. Dr. Ernest Gräfenberg is in fact the G spot’s namesake and was also the first to claim that this spot could cause female ejaculation.

The first pornography

It turns out that pornography has always been taboo. In 1524 the horny Marcantonio Raimondi published 16 engravings of people throughout history getting it on. Unfortunately for Marcantonio the Pope at the time did not share his open approach to sex and placed poor Raimondi in prison for a year.

The changing shape of boobs

These days it would seem that most women want bigger boobs, but like our clothes boobs have always been subject to changing fashions. In the Middle Ages people preferred small boobs and women wore corsets that flattened their chests. During the Renaissance it was popular in Spain to have cone shaped boobs – it seems Madonna was not the trend setter we once thought.


It was only in the mid 1600s that condoms were used as a contraceptive. These early condoms were made from linen. It would seem that women were a little more proactive when it came to contraception than the guys. Women used crocodile dung, honey, mercury, sneezing and jumping backwards as early as 1850 BC.

THE happily-ever-after phrase is a far off dream in modern marriages.

Relationship counsellors harp on the fact that couples should stick together in not-so-happy marriages because of obligation, partnership and convenience. And now a controversial new book reiterates the fact. Written by historian and feminist thinker Pamela Haag, Marriage Confidential: The Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives, Royal Children, Undersexed Spouses, and Rebel Couples classifies modern marriages into various

categories. We take a brief look at each of them and ask experts if they exist in the urban Indian scenario.


IF THE relationship with your spouse is affectionate but passionless, don’t sweat, you are part of the majority. Couples who continue in such marriages are trapped in a situation where things aren’t too bad to opt out or good enough to bring joy, Haag says. Married for ten years, Shilpi and Avidesh Kumar (both 38), have a hectic work schedule. They travel 15 days in a month and their marriage has already drifted into a predictable routine. “ We spend no more than a week or 10 days together in a month... that too staggered,” says Shilpi, a public relations executive with a Noida- based company.

Avidesh, a sales manager, says: "When we meet there is only enough time to exchange brickbats over finances. Our relationship has become too predictable,” says Kumar. According to Hagg, these semi-happy married couples are always in a dilemma. One moment they feel they are in a good, strong marriage, and the next, they resent it and think of ways to get out.

According to lifestyle management expert Rachna Singh, in a fast-paced world where both partners work, semi- happy marriages is the norm and the commonnest in India. Surprisingly it’s highly functional. “It’s not a miserable condition, but you can’t call it successful either. Both spouses are like business partners or friends bound by social or personal commitments. But deep satisfaction and happiness are missing," says Singh.

Family and marriage counsellor Gitanjali Sharma says 90 per cent of Indian marriages belong to this category. "The problem is not with the marriages, but their thinking. These couples are indecisive and unhappy because their expectations are too high,” says Dr Sharma.


HAAG, a mother of one, says children often turn out to be the reason why couples continue in a marriage. With children being socially included more than ever before, she feels parenting turns out to be the sole priority, crowding out other functions.

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essional Sameer Babu and his wife Sunanda are together for the sake of their 14-year-old son. Both have an active social life. Their relationships outside their marriage are no secret among friends.

"I am waiting for my son to go abroad for higher studies. That will be a new beginning for him and me. I am seriously thinking of ending this relationship,” admits Sunanda.

Sharma says the trend is very common among parents in India. "Over 40 per cent of couples stay together for the sake of their children. They often part ways once the children grow up and live a life of their own," she says.

However, Sharma warns that even in such a situation, the children suffer the most and many end up with personality disorders.


THE workhorse wife is the exhausted breadwinner as opposed to her dream- chasing husband. These marriages too are beginning to be seen in India.

Dr Singh puts its prevalence to a 60: 40 ratio. “ This is a marriage with imbalances. In such cases, the lady takes all the responsibility while the husband chases an impossible dream. The chances of such marriages falling apart are very high," says Dr Singh. Recollecting one of her cases, she says how one of her client Sarita Kurup ( name changed) is going through hell.

Kurup a mid-level staffer in a Gurgaon- based MNC is at her wits end with her husband of seven years who has been trying to get a foothold as an artist. "I have been supporting the family, working long hours without a vacation for seven years but my husband doesn’t even make an effort to understand what I am going through. He takes me for granted, I am left with no other option than divorce,” says Kurup.


TAKING inspiration from the eternal sidekick and American TV show host, Ed McMahon, Haag brands it as a syndrome, where one spouse just accept what the other says. Even outlandish suggestions are accepted. Singh cautions that such marriages are fraught with dangers that will spoil the relationship and damage a person’s self esteem. “ It’s obvious that in such a relationship, one partner will be dominant and the other one meek,” says Singh.


RUHI and Sabir Ahuja are the cynosure of all eyes at social gatherings. They conduct themselves with grace, but have been estranged for five years. Little do people realise how plastic their smiles are when they socialise. “ Such cases are on the rise. Many couple choose to live separately rather than divorce due to social obligations. It is a convenient arrangement," says Sharma.


HAAG’S book isn’t all about the predicaments that surround marriage. She has a few suggestions on how to get the zing back.

She advises people to save their marriage by turning into a 'new monogamist' — her term for an open marriage. Our experts, however, disagree. "Marriage is about commitment. Open marriages and contract marriages are not the solutions, but only temporary options that make couples insecure. One should look inward, instead of outward for happiness. Strong communication and unconditional love saves a marriage,” advises Sharma.

